Learn Customer Acquisition Tactics from Dennis Yu

Key Lessons from our Course

  • CLV models with advertising impact

    Learn how to apply the CLV model for your Facebook and Google Ads campaigns. Watch our case study and see how Seed of Life, a store that sells trees in the memory of the lost ones, grew from $1.1 M to $2.5 M Revenue by focusing on increasing specific KPIs.

  • The Audience Performance Matrix

    Find out how to keep a balance between branded and non-branded ads Facebook and Google, how to use the matrix for branding and remarketing, and get tips regarding attribution models.

  • CLV and Influencer Marketing

    Learn how to use the power of influencer marketing to reach your potential customers. See how influencers can have a positive impact on CLV and how to conduct high-performance campaigns.

Meet Dennis Yu

Chief Technology Officer at Blitzmetrics

In the CVO Academy, Dennis teaches

Customer Acquisition informed by Customer Lifetime Value Insights.

Get access to the Customer Value Optimization Course and Certification now

Access Dennis's chapter and so much more

Who is Dennis Yu

Dennis Yu is an internationally recognized lecturer in Facebook Marketing and has spoken over 730 times in 17 countries, spanning 5 continents, including keynotes at L2E, PubCon, Conversion Conference, Social Media Marketing World, Gultaggen, and Marketo Summit.

Dennis is CEO of BlitzMetrics, a digital marketing company which partners with schools to train young adults, offering courses, implementation, and consulting.

He is also a regular contributor to Adweek’s SocialTimes column and is published in Social Media Examiner, Social Media Club, Tweak Your Biz, B2C, SocialFresh, and Heyo.
Dennis Yu - CVO Academy Instructor

The Customer Value Optimization Academy

Enroll into the most prestigious eCommerce Academy

9 International eCommerce Experts will teach you how to perform Customer Value Optimization, from Acquisition to Retention.

Read more about the CVO Academy

  • 9 International eCommerce Experts

  • 20 Chapters & over 100 Video Lessons

  • More than 12 Tools, Calculators & Resources

How will this course help me?

Each graduate of the CVO Academy will receive an unique CVO Expert Certification that they can include on their resume or as a badge on their Linkedin Profile.

To be a Certified Customer Value Optimization Expert means to master leveraging customer insights, being able to predict customer behavior and knowing how to use all the necessary eCommerce tools and disciplines from Support to Analytics to Email and Ads to generate a positive Customer Experience and increase Customer Lifetime Value.

Get access to the Customer Value Optimization Course and Certification now

Access Dennis's chapter and so much more